If you may have furthermore questions or you are interested
in our offer you will be able to reach us on different ways.

    You may sent an email to the following adress:

   Please, take care that  this  link  will  work, only if
   you have installed emailsoftware and setup your
   local email account. If  not, for example that  you
   are using public internet access (like in a computer
   club) or  you are using only  web based email on
   the homepage of your provider by individual login,
   please copy  the email adress written below  and
   paste it  on  your email  application  to  the   field
   "mailto".   You  may  write  this  "mailto - adress"
   manually into the "mailto"-field.

    projekt_isis99@yahoo.com     Direkt-Link Email

   You may write a usual letter to
   the following adress (snailmail):

Ludwig Nachrichtentechnik

Brentwoodstraße 29
Germany 91154 Roth


   If you have a FAX - device
   you may reach us by sen-
   ding a letter by dialing the
   following   FAX - number:

   +49 9171 89 22 45

   You   are  able  to  reach
   us dialing  the  following
   numbers on your phone:

 +49 162 604 999 1
or ...
+380 96 165 5516

About data security:

Depending to law about data security we are not allowed to deliver your personal data
to  other  persons  without  your  permission.  If  you  are deciding  to publish  your own
experience on this adress in the internet we will contact you on phone or by letter.

We will not place any personal data like name od adress on this internet adreess.

Your personal data will not be used for any adevertisement
or for furthermore other projects.

general terms and conditions